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It contains a chart of the SMS History status and tickets raised. It also has datewise submission count which tells you the total number of messages sent on that date

Coverage / Routing

Find out how much you are being charged per each mobile network you send texts to over here.


It consists of Phone Book, Import Contacts, Blacklist Contacts.
Phone Book: add contacts to your phone booklist.
Import Contacts: add contacts to your phone booklist by importing a CSV file that contains the contacts or paste numbers in the PASTE NUMBERS text box.
Blacklist Contacts: add contacts to your blacklists.


Purchase an SMS Plan right from the bulk SMS platform. Please note that credit recharging on this deprecated version is manually done and might take a while during out of office times and weekends. If there are any issues concerning payments, you can reach out via email or via chat

Bulk SMS

It consists of Quick SMS, Bulk SMS, Schedule SMS, SMS From File, Schedule SMS From File, and Campaign Reports.
Quick SMS: send text messages on the go to a maximum of 100 contacts.
SMS From Phonebook: send texts to 100+ contacts at a go.
Schedule SMS: send texts to a number of contacts at the preferred time.
SMS From File: send texts to a number of contacts by importing a CSV file that has the respective contacts.
Schedule SMS From File: send texts to a number of contacts at the preferred time by importing a CSV file that contains the respective contacts.
Campaign Reports: find out the status of your Bulk SMS texts and Scheduled Texts.

Please note that SMS campaigns that contain a phrase or word from our SPAM LIST shall not be received by your recipients.


Recurring SMS

It consists of Recurring SMS and Recurring SMS File.
Recurring sms, also known as "repeating messages," are SMS messages that send automatically at regular intervals.
Recurring SMS: send recurring SMS to your contacts daily, weekly, monthly, or base on your time period.
Recurring SMS file: send recurring SMS to your contacts daily, weekly, monthly, or base on your time period by importing a CSV file that contains the respective contacts.

Sender ID Management

A Sender ID is the name or number that shows as the sender of an SMS, often customized by businesses to display their brand name, making messages instantly recognizable to recipients. Request for your Sender ID right from the platform (should not be more than 11 alpha numeric characters). Requests can take between 15 minutes to 48 hours to be approved, depending on the sender id chosen. You can request for your senders ids from the "sender id management" menu option on the dashboard when you log into your account. Please read our terms and conditions for more information about sender ids

SMS Templates

Save your texts as templates for future use.


Find out your SMS History over here.


We have API documentation and keys available that can be turned on for the account upon request. All the you have to do is to reach out to us via email or the chat.

Support Tickets

It consists of All Support Tickets, and Create New Ticket.
All Support Tickets: View all the tickets you raised to the support department.
Create New Ticket: Raise or Issue a new ticket to the support department.

Log out

Sign out from the console when you are done.

More about our system

SMS Gateway

This is what allows your contacts to get the texts you send. Please note that with our default gateway, phrase or words from our SPAM LIST shall not be received by your recipients.

Sender ID

This refers to the field where you select or choose your approved Sender ID. A Sender ID would be only approved if it is not more than 11 alpha numeric characters and has been further confirmed by the Telcos and other service partners. Note that empty spaces also counts as characters! Requests can take between 15 minutes to 48 hours to be approved, depending on the sender id chosen and the risk of spam.

Each request would need to be passed on for confirmation by our service partners and telcos and is only approved only when we get positive feedback from them. Please read our terms and conditions for more information about sender ids.

Country Code

This field allows you to choose the country code.

The default has been set to exist on phone number but you can choose Ghana’s country code (233) whenever you want to use that option.


This text field is where you enter the numbers of your recipients.

The numbers should always come in 233 formats for example 233249138607.

The above format can be used when the selected country code is set to “exist on phone number” otherwise enter the numbers omitting the zero (0) at the beginning when the selected country code is set to “Ghana“.

The total number of recipients can be viewed at the very right bottom under the text field.

Choose Delimeter

This option allows you to select how your numbers are separated or to be separated.

“Automatic”: detects what separator you are using automatically.

“;”: numbers are to be separated with a semi-colon (;) eg. (233249138607;233235491386;233207571487) kindly note not to leave spaces in between.

“,”: numbers are to be separated with a comma (,) eg. (233249138607,233235491386,233207571487) kindly note not to leave spaces in between.

“|”: numbers are to be separated with a straight slash or bar (|) eg. (233249138607|233235491386|233207571487) kindly note not to leave spaces in between.

“Tab”: numbers are to be separated with an indent (by pressing on the spacebar) eg. (233249138607        233235491386      233207571487 )

“New Line”: numbers are supposed to be on different lines(by pressing on the enter key) eg. (233249138607


You are advised to always set the delimiter to automatic just to avoid any inconveniences.

Remove Duplicates

This field allows you to choose whether to remove duplicated numbers from the recipient field or not.

Message Type

Refers to the type of message you want to send it could be flash, text, Arabic, and Unicode

Plain is a type of SMS that appears on the user’s mobile device and is automatically stored in the inbox.

Arabic SMS is a type of SMS that appears in the Arabic reading and writing format.

Unicode SMS is a type of SMS where the message is in a different language other than English.

We advise you to stick to the default format which is Plain whenever you are not sending texts of  the other types.

SMS Template

Saved messages on the portal can be sent by selecting the template from this field. This saves the time used in typing the same message over and over again.


This field is where you type the message you want to send to your contacts.


This field shows the number of characters in your typed message. Note: 160 characters make one(1) page. If your text is more than 1 page, you would be charged for the additional text disbursement. Example, if your text message campaign is sent to 10 recipients, but the message has 179 characters, 20 texts would be sent, instead of 10; and you would be charged for the 20.

Upload File

Upload your contact files here. Contacts must be in csv, xls or txt format.

Send Later

Schedule messages to send later here.

Search Condition

This field helps you to get the data of your campaign report by searching for them using the parameter labels.


This column indicates your campaign ID.


This column shows the SENDER ID


This column shows the number of people the texts are getting delivered to.


This column tells you the status of your campaign.


This column shows two buttons that are Reports and Delete.

Reports button: This gives you an overview of your campaign, tracking the progress, and knowing recipients who had received and not received your texts.

Delete button: Helps you delete your campaign and restores your SMS Balance with the amount used.


Download all the information in the Campaign Reports using the Formats (EXCEL, PDF, CSV, Print) found in this field

Add New List

This refers to the name you will give to your set of contacts you want to store in a phone book.

Phone Book

This field contains your SL, List Name, and Actions.

SL – refers to the numeric id of your list name.

List Name – refers to the general name you added to your phone book.

Actions – has four (4) buttons to perform the following;

  • View Contacts – this button helps you view contacts in your list name.
  • Add Contacts – this button helps you add contacts to your list name by filling the various fields.
  • Edit – this button helps you to edit your list name.
  • Delete – this button helps you to delete your list name.

Import Contacts

This feature has two fields and each field helps in adding contacts to your list name in your phone book.

Import Contact by File Field – this allows you to import contacts in using the CSV file by hitting on the browse button.

First Row header checkbox: If your CSV’s file has the first row being the header you will have to check the box otherwise uncheck it.

Country Code – There are two options for this field and they are as follows;

  • Exist on phone number: this tells the user to include the country code 233 manually in their files or to the numbers they are importing.
  • Ghana Code (233): this tells the user to exclude the country code 233 manually in their files or the numbers they are importing because the system will automatically add the country code.

Import List Into – this field allows you to select the list name you would want your contacts to be saved in.


IMPORT BY NUMBERS – this field allows you to paste the numbers or enter the numbers in the paste numbers text area.

NB: Kindly be aware of the country code option you chose before you import your numbers.


Use this button to add contacts to the List name.


This button is used to reset the entire group or distribution list.

List Name

This refers to the name you will give to the set of contacts you want to store in a distribution list.

Blacklist Contacts

Use this feature to blacklist or add numbers you do not want your texts to get delivered to.

Search Condition

This field helps you to get the data of your campaign report by searching for them using the parameter labels.


This column shows when your messages were sent.


This column indicates the direction status of your texts.


This column shows the SENDER ID used to send your texts.


This column indicates your recipients.


This column indicates your message parts.


This column indicates the delivery status of your texts.


Download all the information in the SMS History using the Formats (EXCEL, PDF, CSV, Print) found in this field


Here you can find your username, password, company name, contact person, phone number and email.

Change Password

Insert your old password and the new password you want to set in these fields


This refers to the country of the mobile operator.


This field contains the routing price in Ghana cedis.

The Message Types help with how much you will be charged and the following are the types;

PLAIN – This type indicates that your message is a simple 160 character texts with no special characters such as “, emojis, symbols, and many others. A 160 character text and below will cost you the unit price and vice versa.

UNICODE – This type indicates that your message is a 160 character text including special characters such as those mentioned above. You are charged per the number of characters present in your text.

ARABIC – This type indicates that your message is a 160 character text in the Arabian language or format. You are charged per the number of characters present in your text.

NB: Please note that an empty space is adds up to the 160 character count for a single SMS page

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